Working in Chemistry today

The delocalization of chemical productions, started in the 80s, has given this sector a strong transnational character and exposed it to the pressure of international markets.

It was at first a progressive change, consolidating in quite a static way, but it has become more dynamic in the last few years, leading the chemistry sector to new, unguessed at opportunities.

The driving force for this evolution was on the one side an economic urgency, connected to financial markets and energetic resources, and on the other one a search for innovation, to improve the quality of both products and production processes, at the same time taking care of the environment.

Working in Chemistry today means, therefore, being able to look at the international markets with an open, bias-free approach; it also means creating synergies with old and new players of this sector, maintaining as a basic tenet the search for innovation and respect for the environment.

Amines for hair dyeing and green sustainable products: a difficult coexistence?

It may look like a difficult, if not impossible, coexistence. But the world of aromatic amines has had an amazing evolution in the past few years.

The reason of these plants’ delocalization should be found in their major environmental impact, but the delocalized productions have been all converted for the sake of protecting the environment. Such concepts as sustainability, environmental security and zero emission have become a must for this sector too.

On the other hand, when it comes to “eco-friendly” products, it should be considered that natural derivation doesn’t necessarily imply a sustainable production process.

It is important to abandon old prejudices and attentively analyse the manufactures on the market, in order to choose a product that is really green by every point of view.

Professional hair-care

The Italian professional hair-care sector is open to experimentation and goal-oriented. Following the inputs we receive from our clients has been the key of our growth in such a sector, that is strongly specialized as well as open to contamination.

Our intermediates, at first just a few items, represent now a list of around a hundred products. What started as simple raw material has become a private-label manufacture – we are speaking of our bleaching powder of course. It enlarged our knowledge of the sector and our understanding of its dynamics, both by a commercial point of view and in terms of molecule performance in the finished product.

These experiences have given us the strenght to invest in new products and test green ingredients in extreme finished products, so that we were able to evaluate their actual performance in such formulas where formulating problems would araise.

This way the continuous exchange of information and experience has led us to the choise of new manufacture partners.

Certified green & sustainable products

We started from sustainability and selected partners who boast innovative manufacture technologies with low environmental impact, guaranteeing a responsible and outlined use of natural resources.

The so called “green” world has been quickly changing too. Manufacturers and consumers have become aware that the growing request for natural ingredients aimed at mass industry implies an intensive depletion of substancial resources of biodiversity.

Starting from this assumption, we have been promoting what we consider real sustainability, and realized to be a part of an ultimate change: high quality as a result of advanced technologies also implies a sensible reduction of costs. For the first time, being in the upmarket of raw materials allows to be extremely competitive.

The importance of Research

Research has a fundamental importance in our work, representing the only way of being a driving engine in a market moving so fast.

We decided to embrace new formulating challenges together with our clients, and we became mediators between those who develop pure molecules and those who use them. We are constantly in search of new synergies between different actors of the market, who are aimed at different, sometimes opposite goals, and therefore hardly communicate with each other.

We are led by the idea of surpassing the old way of formulating thanks to new innovative ingredients, that could solve problems once considered insurmountable. Our ambitious aim is bringing sustainable products on the mass market, and the green surfactants we are promoting are the best example of this. Research also means taking careful note of news and developments in other sectors, not necessarily bound with chemistry, and this is one of our major streght points.

Research of high-quality products, scientific developments, innovative manufacture technologies, and new formulating problems to solve: this is our job. Combining supply and demand, supporting our clients and canalising their energies towards one objective is our biggest challenge.

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